Sunday, July 31, 2011

Module 4 Blog

Rosedale, P. (2008). Philip Rosedale on Second Life [Video]. Retrieved from

How is 2nd Life a disruptive technology?
2nd Life is a disruptive technology because it introduce people to be creative in communication among other people. It allow students to create their own worlds and images of what they want the world to be. These world are disrupt the physical world.

What  technology or innovations did it displace?
2nd Life has displace some video games. People play video games in virtual worlds that have scenarios, mysteries, and hunts. People still play those games via video games because they target a specific story or event to do.

How many years do you think 2nd Life has left before another emerging and disruptive technology replaces it?
I believe that 2nd Life will be around for another 10 years. As the years go on, 2nd Life enhance and grow with other users.

What are the social benefits of Second Life, and what might be the social implications of virtual worlds in your industry?
The social benefits of Second Life in the classroom is that students can show how creative they can make teaching and learning. This allow them to interact virtual during learning. They can create presentations or projects on learned concepts that can be shared for a grade.

I posted comments to and

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Module 3: BLOG Rhymes

Facebook a new technology that allows communication. Facebook is a social network that allow people to communicate with others anywhere and at anytime. In Rhyme of History, Facebook has evolved out of chatting on the phone, writing a letter, and sending an email. Facebook bring people together on a daily basis. People are chatting and sending messages to friends. People are using the social network for personal, professional, educational, and social means. Facebook continues the with the connection by any means necessary. Facebook allows people to communicate on the computer, iPAD, and smartphone. Facebook allows people to show pictures, messages, and information that they can share simultaneously and in one area.

I post comments to Charles Price and Lauren Dart.

Friday, July 1, 2011

EDUC7108- Module 2: Blog

I posted comments to  and

Friday, June 17, 2011

Module 1: Blog Trends

In the past few weeks, I have been in meetings about new technology that is being implemented in our teaching and learning at school. A lot of our resources have gone electronically. With the purchase of technology in the classroom and personal, technology companies have made it easy for teachers to access to their resources electronically. The rise of iPADs are not playing a role in the educational systems. iPADs are like small laptops on the go. It also have the same applications as a iphone without using it as a telephone. The iPAD gives allows people to browse the internet, download music, download videos, download books, and etc. I found out that the education system has also provided applications for the iPAD as well. I am able to access my work email and system. I am able to download the education core standards. I am able to access my student's electronic assessment to view reports and create test for them. It is amazing the applications that are creating for teachers who have iPADs.

The problem with integrating the iPADs in the education system is that the school systems are not ready to buy their teachers their own iPADs. Some teachers are still trying to have access to a computer in their class. The iPADs are still emerging and more applications are being developed at all times. Some teachers would love to have iPADs but will need training to use it. My school district has a training class for teachers who have iphones and iPADs, but the only to attend are the people who have the technology personally.

If the school districts decide to purchase iPADs for the teachers, the challenge would be to train the teachers and effectiveness of the teachers using them. Teachers can used them as teaching resources and storage of plans, and organizing of documentations. No matter what the emerging technology is there are going to be teachers who don't understand why it should be implemented.

The iPADs can also be use by students. There are applications for students can access the electronic assessment software that is implemented in the classroom. Students can take these assessments at home as well as school. The only problem is that everyone can not afford them.

The only way this technology can be made better in the education system if everyone had access to them in the schools, teachers had their own personal, and it was affordable for parents to buy one for their students.

I have tried to post Lauren Dart's blog but is having trouble. This is my comment-We don't have this tool in our school but it sound interesting to have in the classroom as well as personally. The issue of it falling off the whiteboard does need to be address. I think this tool is great for teachers and administrators to use multipe workplaces.
I also tried to pose to Charles Price's blog as well. This is my comment-
This tool seem interesting. I like how I can create test based on the standards that they have in place. Georgia is changing to Common Core State Standards that is being used in multiple states, so this may be compatible once been implemented because of the common standards that will placed in 47 of the 50 states. This will be useful for next year in my class.
June 18, 2011 7:31 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Module 6 Blog: Philosophy of Learning

Through the learning theory of Connectivism, students can bring their life into the classroom.Teachers and students should learn from one another. Learning should take place in the classroom and in the real world. A person's experience and environment should be considered in connecting it to learning in the classroom. Making the connection of learned concepts being used in the real world will enhance a student's knowledge and help them incorporate the concept at any time.

Sharing ideas for teaching and learning can be effective for the teacher's and students' knowledge. Teachers and students should plan and implement shared ideas for all learned concepts to connect students' and teacher's prior knowledge to the textbook. Using technology to incorporate in the classroom will allow students to see information outside the textbook. Technology will support the connection between the real world and the learned concepts. Technology skills, techniques, and equipment can be taught and learned between teacher and student. Learning should be connection of life and school. Teacher and students learn from one another to enhance the learned concepts that is being introduced, developed, and practiced in the classroom.

I tried to post to these Bogs. I will try again later today.

Before this class, I believe in Connectivism before knowing the official name. Connecting the students' environment and experiences is very important to teaching and learning. If a teacher can do so, this make education effective and make students ready for real world situations.
Aisha Chadwick
It is very important to show students what is in the real world. It is important to show that what they learn in the classroom will be useful in the real world. Technology is not going anywhere, it is just going to be more. We as educators need to introduce it to the students and assist them in applying to their lives now before going into the work world. Connecting technology, learned cocnepts,and real world issues enahances students' knowledge at all times.
Aisha Chadwick

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Module 5

Our  school has gone through a major transition to implementing technology in the past 3 years. I had to train the teachers on the electronic gradebook that they were not crazy to implement and still have issues with it. I did all the training and went through the trial and error period of using it before training my school. I introduced it to the school. I told them that it was easy and that alot of information can be stored on the electronic gradebook. I told them that parents were able to view their students' grade without having to come in for a conference. During the training, they asked why did they change to gradebook, this is too much, and a bunch of what if questions. After the training, I did one on one with those who needed extra help. After a full year of troubleshooting to all the teachers that complain, everyone was able to use the electronic gradebook. Then the next year came and the school district upgraded the gradebook for it can have more speed when there are many users at a time. The teachers couldn't understand, there were a few difference but not a lot. Some teachers still did not like the gradebook and only us it when it was time for report cards and asked for a lot of help. A lot of teachers were grateful for my assistance but there were few that complained the entire time. When we implement something new, those teachers always complaining but now they either use, use it when someone is observing, or don't use it at all.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Module 4 Blog

The multiple networks are used daily. I am always on one them for personal, professional, teaching and learning purposes. Each network keeps me in contact with things I need to know. The knowledge that is provided for me through each network keeps me abreast of things going on and able to teach and learn from others. My network help me to be a continuous learner who wants to know about changes all the time. They have help me to interdependent on others for help and knowledge. The tools that best facilitate learning are the tools that you can provide feedback and express yourself on. In this network connection, it allows me to find the answer to things that I am curious about and need to know about. I have a diverse learning community in this network that I can learn, teach, and play with.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

EDUC 7105: Module 3

  • Do you believe that humans have a basic instinct to “interact and work as a group,” as Rheingold proposed in his discussion of the evolution of Wikipedia as a collectively developed encyclopedia?
    I believe that humans have the basic instinct to interact and work as a group. Is in a good way or bad way, that is the problem. My students work in groups several times a week. They choose their groups, I choose their groups, or groups are based on their learning level. This allow students to learn and teach new peers all the time. The students initiate how they are going to work together effectively. People know how to interact and work together as a group with the assistance of instructor or leader effectively.

  • How can technology facilitate collaboration among learners based on constructivist principles?  

  • Technology can be used in collaboration. My students work together on computer games, assignments, and projects. My students collaborate on to create a commercial to persuade other peers to buy their product or service on their Economic Project. Technology allows students to expand their knowledge on subjects learned. Students that use technology at home brings their knowledge to share with their peers when playing games and creating activities. Using blogs, discussion boards, and wikis are useful for students to share ideas and discuss at any time. Online collaboration allows peers to teach and learn from one another.

  • Find a current research study that has been conducted in the last 5 years that supports collaboration as an effective tool for learning. Include the link and reference for this study in your blog.


    Responded to:

    Sunday, April 3, 2011

    EDUC 7105: Module 2

    Cognitivism as a Learning Theory

    Based on the two blog post, the subject is the different -isms and the importance they have on education and learning. Using all the -isms are useful for the educational purpose. Educators must be familiar with each -isms to use for the diverse learners in the classroom. According to the post and responses, everyone agree that the -isms are a part of a person thinking process and storing and retrieving memory and knowledge. Sticking to one -isms is not useful for learning because people are either visual, hands-on, auditory, and analytical. I believe that all the -isms are interesting and applying them to educational environments make it effective for all learners to have the opportunity to learn in their best interest.

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    EDUC 7105: Module 1

    What are your beliefs about how people learn best?

    People learn best according to what they are interested in or important to them. People learn best on how they can use it in their daily life. People learn through auditory, visual, or hands on. It is important that their is a variety of ways of learning for people. It is best to show each method for people to learn best. People learn their way in order to remember, use, and reteach to those who learn the same way. Differentiated Instruction is very useful in reaching everyone learning style. Everyone learn different and they should be taught different.

    What is the purpose of learning theory in educational technology?
    Learning theory in educational technology assist in teaching and learning methods in the classroom. Knowing the different theories, teachers are able to practice each one for instructional purposes. Knowing what theory is best for student learning helps in teaching in small groups and whole groups. In educational technology, there are many different type of games, software, and assessments that is based on the different theories that help with teaching and learning.

    Posted to other Blogs